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Supporting communities

Supporting communities

The country has now been coping with the Coronavirus outbreak for several weeks, and as restrictions on our lives have grown, so has the pressure on local shops. We want to explain what we are doing, and what the public can do to support our colleagues in stores.

Initially, most stockpiling was focused on larger stores, but now we are seeing massive increases in the number of customers using particularly neighbourhood and village stores. Our supply chains are working well, products are being delivered into stores, and there is no reason for people to shop any differently. It is this totally unprecedented buying behaviour that is leading to gaps on shelves.

We are in fact doing even more for our communities, offering more delivery services, bringing in staff from other industries that have lost their trade at this time, and supporting older and more vulnerable customers.

To keep doing this, we need help from the people we serve. Most importantly our colleagues are being asked to do even more than usual at a time when they are, like everyone, worried about their families and their health. Please treat everyone in our stores with the respect that you would expect if you were in their shoes. If we are limiting purchases, this is to make sure that those who are most in need can get essential products. 

Thank you for your support of the people working in our stores and communities. 

This entry was posted by Chloe on Mon, 23/03/2020 - 12:00
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