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Welsh Small Shops Group Starts Work On High Street Support Project

Welsh Small Shops Group Starts Work On High Street Support Project

The Welsh Cross Party Small Shops Group, Chaired by Janet Finch-Suanders AM, met in the Welsh Assembly today (Wednesday) to co-ordinate a new economic development group on high streets in Wales.

The group, which includes representatives from the Association of Convenience Stores, the Federation of Small Businesses and the National Federation of Retail Newsagents, will develop new guidance to support the high street growth and sustainability.

ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “The Cross Party Group is an essential part of our work across Wales to ensure that retailers are given the best conditions to succeed and invest in their business. Convenience stores and other small shops are at the heart of their communities, especially in Wales, where stores in the country often outperform the rest of the UK in their levels of community engagement.

“We are excited about the formation of the Economic Development Group for High Streets, which we believe will provide decision makers in Wales a blueprint for how they should approach high street regeneration.”

Janet Finch Saunders AM said: “I am thrilled that we have today formed the Economic Development Group for High Streets, and look forward to developing clear, Wales-focused policy and guidance and being able to support small shops here in Wales through reinvigorating and re-energising our high streets.

“Small shops are vital parts of our communities, often providing essential services to many, especially in our rural towns and villages. It is essential that we work to support such businesses, through policies such as business rate relief, improved parking, and community-led high street development plans.”

More information about the Cross Party Group is available here:


This entry was posted by Chris on Wed, 20/01/2016 - 16:58
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